Starting at $219
A staple of modular synthesizers from the very beginning, the attenuator is perhaps equal parts boring and essential. It is used for a variety of purposes, from controlling cv amount, LFO depth, and even audio amplitude. The 5X offers you five such signal modifiers in a single 5U modular space, more than any other attenuator on the market. The 5X is available in three configurations:
Pull switch pots that toggle between attenuation and “kill”, effectively cutting the passing signal, whatever it may be. Bypass modulation of your filter cutoff or mute audio with the pull of the switch.]
Each channel features a three way switch that selects bypass, “kill,” or attenuate.
Pull switch pots that toggle between a linear and logarithmic response curve. A “Swiss army knife” of attenuation for your modular system.
Coming soon.